Archive: How Eileen Fisher gets her employees invested

by Leigh Buchanan
September 2013

This post has been moved from its original location at and archived here, so you can continue to access it.

Our circle tale this month is a link to an article that was written by Leigh Buchanan, editor at large for Inc. Magazine. The article is actually a sidebar of a longer piece about women business leaders.

For more than 30 years, Inc. Magazine has been the "premier print publication for entrepreneurs and business owners." is full of small business ideas, information, and inspiration, as well as practical advice from those who have gone before. Leigh Buchanan, a former editor at Harvard Business Review and a founding editor of WebMaster magazine, writes regular columns on leadership and workplace culture.

Eileen Fisher has been a client of Ann Linnea and Christina Baldwin for several years. Currently, the company has close to 1,000 employees and is preparing a webinar to expand the work of The Circle Way to all its employees.