A glimpse into the December Solstice Vircle

A glimpse into the December Solstice Vircle

We as Circle hosts hold space for a lot of intensity, yet rarely have the chance to share stories, challenges, and joys with our peers. The Circle Way hosts a free virtual circle each quarter around seasonal turning points, supported through the sacred art of listening, and with a touch of nature's magic - to grow our courage, compassion, and companionship together. From a global context, the vircles emerged just before COVID (two years now), and has been a constant thread throughout the experience.

Here are some glimpses into the December 2021 virtual circle (vircle).


We hold a number of intentions with each vircle. Circle has always been a place to unpack and share cross-generational wisdom as we go through challenges together;

  • circle is a stop on our journeys, to slow down and reflect,

  • circle helps us grow our individual and collective capacities to face what is happening around and inside of us,

  • circle helps us be with discomfort,

  • circle helps us stay present to hold space for ourselves and each other.

The vircles offer us space to re-align with the rhythms in nature, to experience and practice circle together, and offer sacred space for deep listening – to oneself, the other, the greater whole that connects us.


From Embers by Richard Wagasese (p. 124)

“Nothing ever comes to rest. Everything keeps moving. Even stationary objects are moving though we do not see it. Change is constant and that means we are not the same from one moment to another either. Our cells are constantly in the process of changing. So if I am moving through a tough situation, there is no point trying to find ‘rest’ so that I can cope. That is impossible. Instead, I can choose trajectory, to move in a direction that will lead me toward peace. THAT is always attainable.”


What would it take for your holidays to be a bit more wholly? (or ‘holy’)

Deep Dive Circles

Think of a moment when you felt discomfort - one that you initially maybe wanted to look away from; and, yet, you stayed present. Share this moment with the small group, and reflect on the experience: What does this discomfort shine a light on? What message does it carry for you? What gift may it have given you?

Harvest Round

What helps you stay present in such situations?

Here is the collective harvest that emerged, organized by Willemijn Lambert (member of Vircle hosting team):

Lifting up this circle resource highlighted in the Vircle: Tending to the Outer Rim with a Personal Practice - The Art of Hosting Oneself


Heartfelt appreciation to Aurora Meneghello, Marjeta Novak, Nam Pham, Richard Rivera, Sarah MacDougall, Stephanie Papik, and Willemijn Lambert for hosting this vircle. 

The next quarterly vircle will be in March 2022 – more information and registration will be coming soon via the monthly newsletter. We hope to see you there!